vegan chilli

This recipe is an absolute favourite in my house. I double the recipe and make a massive slow cooker full and freeze it in meal sized portions for another day. If you want to add some meat to it, fry up some mince to mix through it before serving. If you don’t have or don’t like some of the ingredients, feel free to remove them and replace with something else. I just work to fill my slow cooker using whatever is in season and affordable.

Great with nachos, in tacos, burritos, with rice and salad in a power bowl, on a baked potato, or even just on toast. Our standard is with corn chips or rice and some fresh salad vegetables on top, with loads of aioli - dairy doesn’t suit us but aioli gives that creamy feel with some bonus garlic, definitely a win in my book!

All of the ingredients are a great source of fibre, and if you’ve been following me for a bit you’ll know i’m a big fan of fibre for your gut health. Having a variety of vegetables is an awesome way to get loads of different vitamins and minerals. A diet high in vegetables has consistently been linked to lower cases of lifestyle related diseases like cancer, diabetes and heart disease, and has been linked with an increase in life expectancy. I don’t know about you though, i don’t just want to live a long time, I want to enjoy it too! And with meals that taste as good as this one does that definitely increases the enjoyment factor!


1 C dried beans or 2 C tinned kidney beans (eg red kidney beans, pinto beans, black eyed peas)
2 tins peeled chopped tomatoes
1 Tbsp tomato paste
1 onion chopped
3 cloves garlic crushed
1 C mushrooms chopped
1 large carrot grated
1 courgette grated
1 capsicum chopped
1 tsp ground coriander seeds
1 tsp ground cumin seeds
2 tsp smoked paprika
1 pinch mixed herbs
Chilli to taste
salt & pepper to taste


If using dried beans, soak overnight in water to expand, or even 24 hours, changing the water after 12 hours. If using tinned beans skip this step.
Put everything in your slow cooker and mix through. Turn it on according to manufacturer’s instructions. (Generally 4 hours on high, or 8 hours on low).
Taste and adjust herbs and spices as desired.

Serve however you like, and dress up with sour cream, guacamole, cheese, and coriander or whatever appeals to you.

Erin Waldron

Helping mums go from exhausted and overwhelmed to energetic, calm and living life with joy.

Pilates teacher, yoga teacher, personal trainer, nutritionist and postpartum trainer

Pea pesto


Oaty pancakes